Refereed Articles

* indicates student or former student co-author (includes undergraduate, MA, and doctoral students, plus post-doctoral staff)
^ indicates community partner co-author
# indicates clinical partner co-author

*Broadbridge, E., Venetis, M. K., #Devine, K. A., *Lee, L. E., Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2024). Supporting the support person: Oncologists’ roles in reducing caregiver uncertainty and facilitating psychological adjustment. Psycho-Oncology, 33(3), e6313.   Article

Greene, K., & Hecht, M. L. (2024, online). Engagement with adolescent substance prevention messages: Impact and dissemination of REAL media. Health Communication, 1-4.    [Special Forum on dissemination and impact of health communication research.].  Article

#Heinert, S., *Guzman-Baez, K., *Aamir, A., *Penugonda, A., Crabtree, B., Greene, K., Heckman, C. J., #Levy, P., Ohman Strickland, P., & Hudson, S. V. (in press). Developing a youth-led digital hypertension education intervention for adults with hypertension: Qualitative study on refinement and acceptability. JMIR Formative Research (JFR).

Stapleton, J. L., Manne, S. L., Pagoto, S. L., *Leip, A., Greene, K., Hillhouse, J. J., *Merritt, A. S., & Shelton, B. J. (in press). A social media-delivered melanoma prevention program for young women engaged in frequent ultraviolet tanning: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e56562.     Article

*Senger, A., Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., Catona, D., & #Devine, K. A. (2024). Healthcare provider assessments of caregiver behaviors during gynecologic cancer treatment appointments. PEC Innovation, 4, 100259.  Article

Venetis , M. K., *Bontempo, A. C., *Catona, D., #Buckley de Meritens, A., #Devine, K. A., & Greene, K. (2024). Dilemmas and strategy when companion participation during appointments differs from patient and companion expectations. Health Communication, 39(5), 876-887.  Article

*Broadbridge, E., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., *Lee, L. E., #Buckley de Meritens, A., Catona, D., & #Devine, K. A. (2023). The influence of perceived provider empathic communication on disclosure decision making. Health Communication, 1-18.    Article     Appendix

Kohler, R. E., *Wagner, R., *Careaga, K., #Btoush, R., Greene, K., & Kantor, L. M. (2023). Mothers’ perceptions and attitudes about HPV vaccination initiation among 9- and 10-year-olds. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 19(3).   Article

Kohler, R. E., *Wagner, R. B., *Careaga, K., *Vega, J., #Btoush, R., Greene, K., & Kantor, L. (2023). Parents’ intentions, concerns and information needs about COVID-19 vaccination in New Jersey: A qualitative analysis. Vaccines, 11(6), 1096.    Article

*Broadbridge, E., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., *Lee, L. E., Banerjee, S. C., #Saraiya, B., & #Devine, K. A. (2023). Facilitating psychological adjustment for breast cancer patients through empathic communication and uncertainty reduction. Patient Education & Counseling, 114, 10791.    Article

*Catona, D., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., *Bontempo, A. C., #Buckley de Meritens, A., & #Devine, K. A. (2022). Conflicting views during gynecologic cancer care: A comparison of patients’ and caregivers’ perceptions of burden. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(9), 7755-7762.  PMID: 35704099.   Article

*Lee, L. E., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., *Bontempo, A. C., Catona, D., #Buckley de Meritens, A., & #Devine, K. A. (2022). Aligned and divergent perceptions of support persons’ role in triadic gynecologic cancer communication. Qualitative Health Research, 32(4), 710-724.   Article

Choi, H. J., Miller-Day, M. A., Hecht, M. L., *Glenn, S. D., ^Lyons, R. E., & Greene, K. (2022). A snapshot of parenting practices useful for preventing adolescent vaping. Addictive Behavior Reports,15,    Article

*Bontempo, A. C., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., *Catona, D., Checton, M. G., #Buckley de Meritens, A., & #Devine, K. A. (2022). “We cannot have any negativity”: A secondary analysis of expectancies for the experience of emotion among women with gynecologic cancer.  Journal of Health Psychology, 27(1), 47-57.    Article

*Barriage, S., Choi, H. J., Ray, A. E., Hecht, M. L., Greene, K., & *Glenn, S. D. (2022). Exploring the relationship between youth information behavior, substance use, and substance use expectancies: A pilot study. In M. Smits (Ed.), Lecture notes in computer science: Vol 13193. Information for a better world: Shaping the global future (pp. 106-122). Springer.     [iConference].   Article

Greene, K., & Checton, M. G. (2021). Exploring disclosure research in nursing and communication scholarship: Current research and future directions.  Nursing Communication, 1(1).

Wackowski, O. A., *Gratale, S. K., *Rashid, M. T., Greene, K., & O’Connor, R. J. (2021). Exploring the implications of modified risk claim placement in tobacco advertising. Preventive Medicine Reports, 24, 1-5.  Article

Wackowski, O. A., O’Connor, R. J., *Diaz, D., *Rashid, M., Lewis, M. J., & Greene, K. (2021). “95% less harmful”? Exploring reactions to quantitative modified risk claims for snus and e-cigarettes. Tobacco Control, 31, 730-736.   Article

Greene, K., Choi, H. J., *Glenn, S. D., Ray, A. E., & Hecht, M. L. (2021). The role of engagement in effective, digital prevention interventions: The function of engagement in the REAL media substance use prevention curriculum. Prevention Science, 22(2), 247-258. NIHMS1643342. NCT03157700. PMID:33140287. PMCID: PMC7855866.  Article

Greene, K., & Checton, M. G. (2021). Exploring disclosure research in nursing and communication scholarship: Current research and future directions. Nursing Communication, 1(1).

*Mandal, S., Shah, C., *Peña-Alves, S., Hecht, M. L., *Glenn, S. D., Ray, A. E., & Greene, K. (2021). Understanding the spread of prevention and cessation messages on social media for substance use in youth. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 73(2), 240-253.     Article

Wackowski, O. A., *Rashid, M., Greene, K., Lewis, M. J., & O’Connor, R. J. (2020). Smokers’ and young adult non-smokers’ perceptions of snus and e-cigarette modified risk messages. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 1-17.  PMCID – PMC7558440.    Article

Ray, A. E., Greene, K., *Pristavec, T., Miller-Day, M. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Hecht, M. L. (2020). Exploring indicators of engagement in online learning as applied to adolescent health prevention: A pilot study of REAL media. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(6), 3143-3163.   Article

Greene, K., Ray, A. E., Choi, H. J., *Glenn, S. D., ^Lyons, R. E., & Hecht, M. L. (2020). Short-term effects of the REAL media e-learning media literacy substance prevention curriculum: An RCT of adolescents disseminated through a community organization. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 214, 1-8.    Article

*Peña-Alves, S., Greene, K., Ray, A. E., *Glenn, S. D., Hecht, M. L., & Banerjee, S. C. (2019). “Choose today, live tomorrow”: A content analysis of anti-substance use messages produced by adolescents. Journal of Health Communication, 24(6), 592-602.  Article

Checton, M. G., Venetis, M. K., *Catona, D., *Bontempo, A. C., Greene, K., #Buckley de Meritens, A., & #Devine, K. A. (2019). Reports of sharing and withholding cancer-related information by patients with gynecological cancer and their supporters. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(6), 676-685.    Article

Magsamen-Conrad, K., Venetis, M., Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2019). The role of response perceptions in couples’ ongoing cancer-related disclosure. Health Communication, 34(9), 999-1009.    Article

Ray, A. E., Greene, K., Hecht, M. L., *Barriage, S. C., Miller-Day, M., *Glenn, S. D., & Banerjee, S. C. (2019). An e-learning adaptation of an evidence-based media literacy curriculum to prevent youth substance use in community groups: Development and feasibility of REAL media. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR): Formative Research, 3(2), e12132.  PMID: 31094328   PMCID: 6532334.  Article

Banerjee, S. C., Rodriguez, V. M., Greene, K., & Hay, J. L. (2019). Trending on Pinterest: An examination of pins about skin tanning. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9, 737-748.   Article

Checton, M. G., Greene, K., *Carpenter, A., & *Catona, D. (2016, online). Perceptions of health information seeking and partner advocacy in the context of a cardiology office visit: Connections with health outcomes. Health Communication, 32(5), 587-595.   Article

*Shen, M., Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., *Carpenter, A., & Ostroff, J. S. (2017). A content analysis of unique selling propositions of tobacco print ads. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(2), 194-203.   Article

Greene, K., *Catona, D., Elek, E., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., Banerjee, S. C., Yanovitzky, I., & Hecht, M. L. (2016). Improving prevention curricula: Lessons learned through formative research on the Youth Message Development curriculum.  Journal of Health Communication, 21(10), 1071-1078.  Article

Stapleton, J. L., Manne, S. L., Greene, K., *Darabos, K., *Carpenter, A., #Hudson, S. V., & Coups, E. J. (2016 IJSA08-coping Banerjee & Greene, 2007). Sociocultural experiences, body image, and indoor tanning among young adult women. Journal of Health Psychology, 22(12), 1582-1590.  PMID: 26929174, PMCID: PMC5083226   Article

*Choi, S. Y., *Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Checton, M. G., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2016). Planning a stigmatized non-visible illness disclosure: Applying the Disclosure Decision-Making Model. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150(8), 1004-1025. PMID: 27662447  Article

*Catona, D., Greene, K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., & *Carpenter, A. (2016). Perceived and experienced stigma among people living with HIV: Examining the role of prior stigmatization on reasons for and against future disclosures. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 44(2), 136-155.    Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Li, Y., & Ostroff, J. S. (2016). The effect of comparatively-framed versus similarity-framed e-cigarette and snus print ads on young adults’ ad and product perceptions. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 2(3), 214-229.  Article

Stapleton, J. L., *Darabos, K., Carpenter, A., Lewis, M. J., Greene, K., & #Hudson, S. V. (2015). Indoor tanning users’ experiences with tanning salon direct to consumer marketing. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 72(6), 1092-1094. PMCID: PMC4524539.     Article

*Catona, D., Greene, K., & *Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2015). Perceived benefits and drawbacks of disclosure practices: An analysis of people living with HIV/AIDS’ strategies for disclosing HIV status. Journal of Health Communication, 20(11), 1294-1301.    Article

Stapleton, J. L., Manne, S. L., *Darabos, K. J., Greene, K., Ray, A. E., *Turner, A., & Coups, E. J. (2015). Randomized controlled trial of a web-based indoor tanning intervention: Acceptability and preliminary outcomes. Health Psychology, 34(2), 1278-1285. PMCID: PMC4681403  [one of three editor-highlighted articles]   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K.,* Magsamen-Conrad, K., Elek, E., & Hecht, M. L. (2015). Interpersonal communication outcomes of a media literacy alcohol prevention curriculum. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 5(4), 425-432.   Article

*Checton, M. G., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Venetis, M. K., & Greene, K. (2015). A dyadic approach: Applying a developmental-conceptual model to couples coping with chronic illness. Health Education and Behavior, 42(2), 257-267. PMID: 25377866   Article

Greene, K., Yanovitzky, I., *Carpenter, A., *Banerjee, S. C., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., Hecht, M. L., & Elek, E. (2015). A theory-grounded measure of adolescents’ response to a media literacy intervention. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 7(2), 35-49.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Shuk, E., Greene, K., & Ostroff, J. S. (2015). Content analysis of trends in print magazine tobacco advertisements. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 1(2), 103-120.    Article

Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Yanovitzky, I., *Bagdasarov, Z., *Choi, S. Y., & *Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2015). Adolescent egocentrism and tanning bed use: Is the relationship direct or mediated? Journal of Youth Studies, 18(3), 357-375.  Article

*Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., *Checton, M. G., & *Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2015). Decision making in cancer-related topic avoidance. Journal of Health Communication, 20(3), 306-313.   PMID: 25584820    Article

*Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Checton, M. G., *Venetis, M. K., & Greene, K. (2015). Communication efficacy and couples’ cancer management: Applying a dyadic appraisal model. Communication Monographs, 82(2), 179-200.  Article  PMID: 25983382       related publication: Magsamen-Conrad, K., Checton, M. G., Venetis, M. K., & Greene, K. (2015). I know I can: Feeling confident about discussing cancer may help couples’ cancer management. Communication Currents, 10(3). Retrieved from

*Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2015). Elderly patients’ heart-related conditions: Disclosing health information differs by target. Psychology, Health, & Medicine, 20(5), 594-604.  Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Hay, J. L., & Greene, K. (2015). Indoor tanning addiction tendencies: Role of positive tanning beliefs, perceived vulnerability, and tanning risk knowledge. Addiction Research and Theory, 23(2), 156-162.    Article

*Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Billotte-Verhoff, C., & Greene, K. (2014). Technology addiction’s contribution to mental wellbeing: The positive effect of online social capital. Computers in Human Behavior, 40, 23-30. PMID: 25568591   Article    Publicity  Referenced in The Washington Post  Feb. 2015 article was 2nd highest scoring compared to other articles published in this journal in the same time period

*Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2014). “I tell my partner everything . . . (or Not)”: Patients’ perceptions of sharing heart-related information with their partner. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(2), 164-184.   Article  Editor’s choice article.

*Venetis, M. K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2014). Cancer communication and partner burden: An exploratory study. Journal of Communication, 64(1),82-102.    Article   Publicity

Greene, K. (2013). The Theory of Active Involvement: Processes underlying interventions that engage adolescents in message planning and/or production. Health Communication, 28(7), 644-656.   Article

Greene, K., & Hecht, M. L. (2013). Introduction for Symposium on engaging youth in prevention message creation: The theory and practice of active involvement interventions. Health Communication, 28(7), 641-643.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Hecht, M. L., *Magsamen-Conrad, K. C., & Elek, E. (2013). “Drinking won’t get you thinking”: A content analysis of adolescent-created print alcohol counter advertisements. Health Communication, 28(7), 671-682. PMID: 23980705.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Hay, J. L., & Greene, K. (2013). Cognitive rationalizations for tanning-bed use: A preliminary exploration. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37(5), 577-586.  Article

Greene, K., *Carpenter, A., *Catona, D., & *Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2013). The Brief Disclosure Intervention (BDI): Facilitating African Americans’ disclosure of HIV. Journal of Communication, 63(1), 138-158.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2013). “Yo! This is no lie, if you smoke, you die”: A content analysis of anti-smoking posters created by adolescents. Journal of Substance Use, 18(2), 119-128.  Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2013). Examining narrative transportation to anti-alcohol narratives. Journal of Substance Use, 18(3), 196-210.    Article

Greene, K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K. C., *Venetis, M. K., *Checton, M. G., *Bagdasarov, Z., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2012). Assessing health diagnosis disclosure decisions in relationships: Testing the disclosure decision-making model. Health Communication, 27(4), 356-368.  PMID: 21992531.   Article

*Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., *Banerjee, S. C., *Checton, M. G., & *Bagdasarov, Z. (2012). “You can’t tell anyone but…”: Exploring the use of privacy rules and revealing behaviors. Communication Monographs, 79(3), 344-365.    Article

*Checton, M. G., Greene, K., *Magsamen-Conrad, K., & *Venetis, M. K. (2012). Patients’ and partners’ perspectives of chronic illness and its management. Families, Systems, & Health, 30(2), 114-129.  PMID: 22709325.  Article

*Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2012). Beyond initial disclosure: The role of prognosis and symptom uncertainty in patterns of disclosure in relationships. Health Communication, 27(2),145-157.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2012). “I quit” versus “I’m sorry I used”: A preliminary investigation of variations in narrative ending and transportation. Psychology & Health, 27(11), 1308-1322.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2012). Role of transportation in the persuasion process: Cognitive and affective responses to antidrug narratives. Journal of Health Communication, 17(5), 564-581.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2012). Framing and dosage effects: Use of protection motivation theory to examine efficacy of anti-cocaine visual messages. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 50(2), 68-80.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Hay, J. L., & Greene, K. (2012). College students’ cognitive rationalizations for tanning bed use: An exploratory study. Archives of Dermatology, 148(6), 761-762.    Article

Greene, K., *Banerjee, S. C., Krcmar, M., *Bagdasarov, Z., Yanovitzky, I., & *Ruginyte, D. (2011). Sexual content on reality and fictional television shows. Journal of Health and Mass Communication, 3, 276-294.   Article

Derlega, V. J., Anderson, S., Winstead, B. A., & Greene, K. (2011). Positive disclosure among college students: What do they talk about, to whom, and why? Journal of Positive Psychology, 6(2), 119-130.  Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., & Yanovitzky, I. (2011). Sensation seeking and dosage effect: An exploration of the role of surprise in anti-cocaine messages. Journal of Substance Use, 16(1), 1-13.    Article

Derlega, V. J., Winstead, B., Ferrer, R., Pearson, M. R., Dutton, L. B., Janda, L. J., Lewis, R. L., & Greene, K. (2011). Unwanted pursuit in same-sex relationships: Effects of attachment styles, investment model variables, and sexual minority stressors. Partner Abuse, 2(3), 300-322.    Article

*Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2010). College students’ use of compliance-gaining strategies to obtain prescription stimulant medications for illicit use. Health Education Journal, 70(3), 260-273.   Article

Greene, K., Campo, S., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2010). Comparing normative, anecdotal, and scientific risk evidence to discourage tanning bed use. Communication Quarterly, 58(2), 111-132.    Article   Received Eastern Communication Association’s Article of the Year Award

*Bagdasarov, Z., Greene, K., *Banerjee, S. C., Krcmar, M., Yanovitzky, I. & *Ruginyte, D. (2010). I am what I watch: Voyeurism, sensation seeking and television viewing patterns. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 54(2), 299-315.    Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Krcmar, M., & *Bagdasarov, Z. (2009). Who watches verbally aggressive shows? An examination of personality and other individual difference factors in predicting viewership. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 21(1), 1-14.    Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., *Bagdasarov, Z., & Campo, S. (2009). “My friends love to tan”: Examining sensation seeking and the mediating role of association with friends who use tanning beds on tanning bed use intentions. Health Education Research, 24(6), 989-998.    Article

Greene, K., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2009). Examining unsupervised time with peers and the mediating role of association with delinquent peers on adolescent smoking. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 11(4), 371-380. Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2009). Sensation seeking and adolescent cigarette smoking: Examining multiple pathways in cross-sectional data. Open Addiction Journal, 2(1), 12-20.  Article

Bagdasarov, Z., Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., & Campo, S. (2008). Indoor tanning and problem behavior. Journal of American College Health, 56(5), 555-562.   PMID:18400668    Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Krcmar, M., *Bagdasarov, Z., & *Ruginyte, D. (2008). The role of gender and sensation seeking in film choice: Exploring mood and arousal. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 20(3), 97-105.    Article

Greene, K., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2008). Adolescents’ responses to peer smoking offers: The role of sensation seeking and self-esteem. Journal of Health Communication, 13(3), 267-286.   Article

*Banerjee, S. C., Campo, S., & Greene, K. (2008). Fact or wishful thinking? Biased expectations in “I think I look better when I’m tanned.” American Journal of Health Behavior, 32(3), 243-252.   Article

Derlega, V. J., Greene, K., Henson, J. M., & Winstead, B. A. (2008). Social comparison activity in coping with HIV. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 19(3), 164-167.  Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2007). Anti-smoking initiatives: Effects of analysis versus production media literacy interventions on smoking-related attitude, norm, and behavioral intention. Health Communication, 22(1), 37-48.   Article  Received NCA 2009 Applied Communication Division Distinguished Scholarship Award for Scholarly Journal Article

*Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2006). Analysis versus production: Adolescent cognitive and attitudinal responses to anti-smoking interventions. Journal of Communication, 56(4), 773-794.   Article

Greene, K., & *Banerjee, S. C. (2006). Disease related stigma: Comparing predicators of AIDS and cancer stigma. Journal of Homosexuality, 50(4), 185-209.    Article

Greene, K., & Faulkner, S. L. (2005). Gender, belief in the sexual double standard, and sexual talk in heterosexual dating relationships. Sex Roles, 53(3), 239-251.    Article

#Elwood, W. N., & Greene, K. (2005). “Risks both known and unknown”: A qualitative method to assess the role of situation in HIV/STD risk and prevention. Journal of Homosexuality, 50(1), 135-154.    Article

Greene, K., & Krcmar, M. (2005). Predicting exposure to and liking of television violence: A uses and gratifications approach. Communication Studies, 56(1), 71-93.    Article   Appendix

Derlega, V. J., Winstead, B. A., Greene, K., Serovich, J., & #Elwood, W. N. (2004). Reasons for HIV disclosure/nondisclosure in close relationships: Testing a model of HIV-disclosure decision making. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 23(6), 747-767.   Article

#Elwood, W. N., Greene, K., & ^Carter, K. K. (2003). Gentlemen don’t speak: Communication norms and condom use in bathhouses. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 31(4)277-297. Article

Greene, K., & *Brinn, L. S. (2003). Messages influencing college women’s tanning bed use: Statistical versus narrative evidence format and a self-assessment to increase perceived susceptibility. Journal of Health Communication, 8(5), 443-461.   Article

#Elwood, W. N., & Greene, K. (2003). Desperately seeking skeezers: Downward comparison theory and the implications for HIV/STD prevention among African-American crack users. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2(1), 15-33.   Article

Greene, K., & Faulkner, S. L. (2002). Expected versus actual responses to disclosure in relationships of HIV-positive African-American adolescent females. Communication Studies, 53(4), 297-317.   Article

Greene, K., Krcmar, M., Rubin, D. L., Walters, L. H., & Hale, J. L. (2002). Elaboration in processing adolescent health messages: The impact of egocentrism and sensation seeking on message processing. Journal of Communication, 52(4), 812-831.  Article

Greene, K., Derlega, V. J., & Frey, L. R. (2002). Interpersonalizing AIDS: Attending to the personal and social relationships of individuals living with HIV and/or AIDS. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 19(1), 5-17.  Article

Derlega, V. J., Winstead, B. A., Sachdev, M., Greene, K., Serovich, J., & #Elwood, W. N. (2002). Perceived HIV-related stigma and HIV disclosure to relationship partners after finding out about the seropositive diagnosis. Journal of Health Psychology, 7(4), 415-432.  Article

Winstead, B. A., Derlega, V. J., Barbee, A., *Sachdev, M., Antle, B., & Greene, K. (2002). Close relationships as sources of strength or obstacles for mothers coping with HIV. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 7(3), 157-184.   Article

^Miller, D. H., Greene, K., Causby, V., #White, B. W., & ^Lockhart, L. L. (2001). Domestic violence in lesbian relationships. Women & Therapy, 23(3), 107-127.   Article

Greene, K., Krcmar, M., Walters, L. H., Rubin, D. L., & Hale, J. L. (2000). Targeting adolescent risk-taking behaviors: The contributions of egocentrism and sensation seeking. Journal of Adolescence, 23(4), 439-461.   Article

Krcmar, M., & Greene, K. (2000). Connections between violent television exposure and adolescent risk taking. Media Psychology, 2(3), 195-217.   Article

Krcmar, M., & Greene, K. (1999). Predicting exposure to and uses of television violence. Journal of Communication, 49(3), 25-45.   Article

Greene, K., Causby, V., & ^Miller, D. H. (1999). The nature and function of fusion in the dynamics of lesbian relationships. Affilia, Journal of Women and Social Work, 14(1), 78-97.   Article

Serovich, J. M., *Kimberly, J. A., & Greene, K. (1998). Perceived family member reaction to women’s disclosure of HIV-positive information. Family Relations, 47(1), 15-22.   Article

Lemieux, R., Tighe, M. R., Daniels, M., Greene, K., Hocking, J., Cairns, A., & Hale, J. (1998). The persuasive effect of the AIDS NAMES quilt on behavioral intentions. Communication Research Reports, 15(1), 113-120.   Article

Greene, K., Hale, J. L., & Rubin, D. L. (1997). A test of the theory of reasoned action in the context of AIDS messages. Communication Reports, 10(1), 21-33.   Article

Serovich, J. M., & Greene, K. (1997). Predictors of adolescent sexual risk taking behaviors which put them at risk for contracting HIV. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 26(4), 429-444.   Article

Greene, K., & Serovich, J. M. (1996). Appropriateness of disclosure of HIV testing information: The perspective of PLWAs. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 24(1),50-65.   Article

Greene, K., Rubin, D. L., Walters, L. H., & Hale, J. L. (1996). The utility of understanding adolescent egocentrism in designing health promotion messages. Health Communication, 8(2), 131-152.   Article

Greene, K., Rubin, D. L., & Hale, J. L. (1995). Egocentrism, message explicitness, and AIDS messages directed toward adolescents: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10(3), 547-570. Article

*Kimberly, J. A., Serovich, J. M., & Greene, K. (1995). Disclosure of HIV-positive status: Five women’s stories. Family Relations, 44(3), 316-322.  Article

Causby, V., ^Lockhart, L., #White, B., & Greene, K. (1995). Fusion and conflict resolution in lesbian relationships. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 3(1), 67-82.   Article

Rubin, D., Greene, K., & ^*Schneider, D. (1994). Adopting gender-inclusive language reforms: Diachronic and synchronic variation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 13(2), 91-114.   Article

Serovich, J. M., & Greene, K. (1993). Perceptions of family boundaries: The case of disclosure of HIV testing information. Family Relations, 42(2), 193-197.    Article

Greene, K., Parrott, R., & Serovich, J. M. (1993). Privacy, HIV testing, and AIDS: College students’ versus parents’ perspectives. Health Communication, 5(1), 59-74.    Article

Rubin, D., & Greene, K. (1992). Gender-typical style in written language. Research in the Teaching of English, 26(1), 7-40.  Article

Serovich, J. M., Greene, K., & Parrott, R. (1992). Boundaries and AIDS testing: Privacy and the family system. Family Relations, 41(1), 104-109. Article

Parrott, R.,.Greene, K., & Parker, R. G. (1992). Negotiating child health care routines during pediatrician-parent conversations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 11(1-2)35-45.    Article

Greene, K., & Rubin, D. (1991). Effects of gender inclusive/exclusive language in religious discourse. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 10(2), 1-18.   Article

Rubin, D., & Greene, K. (1991). Effects of biological and psychological gender, age cohort, and interviewer gender on attitudes toward gender-inclusive/exclusive language. Sex Roles, 24(7), 391-412.   Article