*Senior Editor for Health Communication (2015-2018); assign reviewers through acceptance decisions
*Co-editor (with M. L. Hecht) of symposium in Health Communication on engaging youth in prevention message creation (2013, Vol. 28, Issue 7)
*Co-editor (with V. J. Derlega & L. R. Frey) of special issue of Journal of Social and Personal Relationships on relationships of individuals with HIV and/or AIDS (2002, Vol. 19, Issue 1)
*Book review of Perloff’s Persuading people to have safer sex: Applications of social science to the AIDS crisis (Erlbaum), Journal of Health Communication, 6, 359-362.
*Guest reviewer for journals in communication, public health, social psychology, 1990-present
*Guest editorial board member of several special issues of journals and books such as Routledge Handbook of Applied Communication Research (won 2010 NCA outstanding book award)
*Member of Editorial Board (current):
Health Communication
Journal of Communication
Nursing Communication
* Former member of Editorial Board:
Human Communication Research
Communication Studies
Communication Education
Communication Quarterly
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Reviewer for NIH study sections 2004 to present
Reviewer for foundations (e.g., Research Foundation Flanders)