Rutgers Symposium on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in
Patient Engagement and Healthcare Communication
Occurred Friday, October 14, 2022
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Heldrich Hotel & Conference Center
New Brunswick, NJ
Click to download symposium flyer

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Patient Engagement and Healthcare Communication symposium connects liked-minded scholars and members of the University community as we discuss shared interest in improving healthcare in ways that promote inclusion and equity through provider-patient communication. This event features two keynote speakers who are experts in patient-provider communication with racially diverse patients. Their scholarship both documents and theorizes about the processes by which racism manifests in interactions between providers and their patients, exacerbating health inequities as well as focuses on interventions to improve patient-provider communication (e.g., by reducing implicit bias). The symposium features two panel discussions that cover important topics centering on research and practice. Panel speakers represent the University and larger community. Symposium participants are invited to participate in discussion and poster presentations.
Keynote Speakers

Health Communication Scientist and Professor in the Population Studies and Disparities Program,
Wayne State University/Karmanos Cancer Institute
Panel Discussions
Theory, Methods, and Metrics in Provider-Patient Communication
Matthew Matsaganis, PhD, Associate Professor of Communication, Rutgers University
Tamara Nelson, Phd MPH, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University
Rafael Pérez-Figueroa, PhD, Associate Professor of Urban-Global Public Health and Associate Dean of Community Engagement and Public Health Practice, Rutgers University SPH
Laura Siminoff, PhD, Professor of Public Health, Temple University
Praxis, Interventions, and Future Directions for Dyadic Healthcare Communication
Joy Cox, PhD, Author and Collaborator on Presence 5 for Racial Justice, Rutgers NJMS
Denalee O’Malley, PhD, Assistant Professor in Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Rutgers RWJMS
Charles Senteio, PhD, Associate Professor of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University
Mr. Ralph Stowe, Citizen Scientist and founder of Jazz for Prostate Cancer Awareness