Group Members
Prof. Vivek Singh, Group Director

Isha Ghosh, PhD (iSchool) student

Current Projects:
Predicting Privacy Attitudes from Phone Use Information: This project is aimed at leveraging cell phone usage information to automatically infer the user’s privacy attitudes.
Privacy Paradox: Existing literature talks discusses the difference in concerns on information disclosure compared to information sharing practices displayed in online social networks. This project reviews the current literature to understand the underlying causes of this paradox
Effect of nudges on online social behaviors: Understand the use of influence as a strategy in improving privacy behavior in online social networks.
Recent Publications
Ghosh I., and Singh, V.K. (2016). Predicting privacy attitudes using phone metadata. In Proceedings, International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC, June 28-July, Volume 1.
Souvick Ghosh, PhD (iSchool) Student

Recent Papers:
Ghosh S., Singh V.K., and Jose C. (2016). Multimodal Cyberbullying Detection.
Christin Jose, M.S. (CS) Student
Recent Papers:
Ghosh S., Singh V.K., and Jose C. (2016). Multimodal Cyberbullying Detection.
Teng Long, M.S. (CS) Student

Aharon Paul, Undergraduate Student (BAIT)