Journal Publications
[J.12] Ammari, T. Ahn, E., Lakhankar, A., & Lee, J. (2024). Finding Understanding and Support: Navigating Online Communities to Share and Connect at the intersection of Abuse and Foster Care Experiences.
[J.11] Joy, K., Liang, M., & Ammari, T. (2024). “If it has an exclamation point, I step away from it, I need facts, not excited feelings”: Technologically Mediated Parental COVID Uncertainty.
[J.10] Lee, J. Y., Ahn, E., Xu, A., Yang, Y., Chang, Y., Cha, H., & Ammari, T. (2024). Artificial intelligence in applied family research involving families with young children: A scoping review. Family Relations.
[J.9] Walters, A., Ammari, T. , Garimella, K., & Jhaver, S. (2024). Online knowledge production in polarized political memes: The case of critical race theory. New Media & Society, 14614448241252591.
[J.8] Ammari, T., Nofal, A., Naseem, M. , Mustafa, M. (2022). Moderation as Empowerment: Creating and Managing Women-Only Digital Safe Spaces. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, CSCW2,
Article 313 (November 2022), 36 pages. Taipei, Taiwan. November 12-16, 2022.
[J.7] Lee, J. Y., Chang, O. D., & Ammari, T. (2021). Using social media data from Reddit to examine foster families’ most pressing concerns and needs during COVID-19. Child Abuse & Neglect.(Impact Factor: 3.928) Preprint.
[J.6] Lee, J. Y., Grogan-Kaylor, A. C., Lee, S. J., Ammari, T., Lu, A., & Davis-Kean, P. (2020). A Qualitative Analysis of Stay-At-Home Parents’ Spanking Tweets. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(3), 817–830.
[J.5] Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y., Romero, D. (2019). Self-declared throwaway accounts on Reddit: How platform affordances and shared norms enable parenting disclosure and support. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW ’19). Austin, TX. November 9-13, 2019. [html]
[J.4] Ammari, T., Jofish Kaye, Janice Y. Tsai, and Frank Bentley. (2019). Music, Search, and IoT: How People (Really) Use Voice Assistants. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 26, 3: 17:1–17:28.
[J.3] Ammari, T., You, S., Robert, L. (2018). Alternative Group Technologies and Their Influence on Group Technology Acceptance ” American Journal of Information Systems, 6(2), 29–37.
[J.2] Pal, J., Huaita Alfaro, A, Ammari, T., Chaterjee S. (2014). “A Capabilities View of Accessibility in Policy and Practice in Jordan and Peru. Review of Disability Studies, 10, 77-93.
[J.1] Abandah, G., Darabkh, K., Ammari, T., and Qunsul, O. (2014). “Secure national electronic voting system: Pilot implementation”. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 30, 1339-1364.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings
[C.12] Oewel, B., Ammari, T., Brewer, R., 2023. Voice Assistant Use in Long-Term Care. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA
[C.11] Randazzo, C, Ammari, T., 2023. If Someone Downvoted My Posts—That’d Be the End of the World”: Designing Safer Online Spaces for Trauma Survivors . In 2023 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany, April 2023.
[C.10] Jensen, JK., Ammari, T., Bjørn,P. (2020). Into Scandinavia: When Online Fatherhood Reflects Societal Infrastructures. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP ‘2020). Sanibel Island, FL. January 6-8, 2020.
[C.9] Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y., Romero, D. (2018). Pseudonymous Parents: Comparing Parenting Roles and Identities on the Mommit and Daddit Subreddits. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’18). Montreal, Canada. April 21-26, 2018.
[C.8] Ammari, T., Schoenebeck, S.Y., Lindtner, S. (2017). The Crafting of DIY Fatherhood. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW ’17). Portland, OR. Feb 25- March 1, 2017.
[C.7] Blackwell, L., Hardy, J., Ammari, T., Veinot, T., Lampe, C., Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2016). LGBT Parents and Social Media: Advocacy, Privacy,and Disclosure during Shifting Social Movements. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’16). San Jose, CA. May 7- 12, 2016.
[Best Paper Honorable Mention]
[C.6] Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2016). “Thanks for your interest in our Facebook group, but it’s only for dads:” Social Roles of Stay-at-Home Dads. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW ’16). San Francisco, CA. February 27- March 2, 2016.
[C.5] Ammari, T., Kumar, P., Lampe, C., and Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2015). Managing Children’s Online Identities: How Parents Decide what to Disclose about their Children Online. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.
[C.4] Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y.(2015). Understanding and Supporting Fathers and Fatherhood on Social Media Sites. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.
[Best Paper Award]
[C.3] Ammari, T. and Schoenebeck, S.Y.(2015). Networked Empowerment on Facebook Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’15). Seoul, Korea. April 18-23, 2015.
[C.2] Ammari, T., Morris, M.R., Schoenebeck, S.Y. (2014). Accessing Social Support and Overcoming Judgment on Social Media among Parents of Children with Special Needs. In AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2014 (ICWSM ’14). Ann Arbor, MI, June 1-4, 2014.
[C.1] Pal, J., Ammari, T., Mahalingam, R., Alfaro, A. M. H., & Lakshmanan, M. (2013). Marginality, aspiration and accessibility in ICTD. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD ’13).
Peer-reviewed Conference non-Proceedings
[NC.1] Randazzo, C., Kim, M., Kwestel, M. Doerfel, M., and Ammari, T.. 2023. Citizen Discourse about Climate Gentrification: The Complementarities of Online and Onsite Communication. In the 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, ON, May 2023